The first lustrum was celebrated on the 22nd of November 2018! What a night it was! Not according to tradition, this Dies (birthday) wasn’t celebrated at the home of the president, but we settled for Café De Wandelaar. De myth went that this was the exact place where the association was founded, however this turned out not to be the truth (didn’t ruin the fun though!). Something that did go according to tradition is, that the president baked a birthday cake! A delicious one it was! It was a ‘Stroopwafel’cake with white chocolate and, of course, the logo of our beautiful association on top!

It was a legendary night. The program for the upcoming year was presented and the theme! It is going to be a blast! Also, al previous presidents were there, exept for one, and with our current president this mix made a unique group of all the people there.

The theme for this lustrum is ‘Lekker bijdehand zo’n tunnelvisie (Spry, such a tunnelvision)’

Save the following dates in your agenda for this lustrum:
– 8 February 2019:  The Alcedo Lustrum Party  @ Rotterdam
– 24 – 26 May 2019:  Alcedo Weekender @ Rotterdam
– 21 June 2019: Alcedo Booksball @ Rotterdam 