It took some time, but finally we can present to you the official photos of the fourth board of Alcedo. After being sent away at the SS Rotterdam ship, some failed attempts of Pim hugging the Euromast, dealing with some Sahara-like temperatures in our suits, almost sprained ankles of Mathilde (thanks Pim), many comments towards Pim from other men (apparently being with four girls gives you respect), an sd-cart full of pics of Deborah, a dreamy Desiree who sometimes wasn’t aware of the fact that we were taking photos and Esther with many deadlines, we somehow managed to get a nice shot with the five of us. This was also made possible with the help of Ellen, thank you!

Below you can see some of the pics taken as well as short introductions from every board member.

IMG_0985As you can see, we had a hard time staying serious..


…but luckily, we managed to take some good (/serious) ones as well!


Het Bestuur:

Deborah – President (

Hi! My name is Deborah and I’m in my second year of criminology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. At a very young age I started skating at the speed skating association in Woerden, and when I began studying in Rotterdam, I became member of Alcedo.  This year, I’ll be the new president of this association and I’m looking forward to expand Alcedo even more!

Esther – Secretary (

I may be a young member of Alcedo, but I have been ice skating for quite some years. According to my parents, it was very hard to convince me to leave the ice, even when I was only 2 years old. After a few years of speed skating lessons in Utrecht, I left the ice for a while, but when the ice rink came in Rotterdam, I was very happy to pick up speed skating again. The club championships last season were the first matches I ever participated in and the next season I hope to participate in many more. I finished my bachelor in medicine last year, am currently doing a research master in neuroscience, and in a year I hope to be able to start my rotations. This also allows me to join the board of Alcedo as secretary.

Mathilde – Treasurer and PR Commissioner ( 

Coming year, I will be responsible for the positions PR commissioner and treasurer. One year ago, I completed my master in communication sciences and I am currently working at an advertising agency. With this knowledge, I hope to make our association grow even more! When it comes to my speed skating “career”, I only started skating recently. However, because I decided to join Alcedo, my enthusiasm has grown a lot and with the help of my fellow members and the trainers, I have experienced a great first season.

Pim – Competition Commissioner (

I’m a third year urban development and spatial planning student and next to my passion for design, I have a great passion for sports. I have been speed skating for as long as I can remember, and when I went to college I started training even more fanatically and even started skating in competitions. This pleases me a lot and being the competition commissioner, I will make sure that everyone can experience the excitement and euphoria that is felt when skating competitions.

Desiree – Internal Commissioner (

My name is Desiree van Reeuwijk and I am the internal commissioner within the board of Alcedo. This means that I will be responsible for the activities hosted for all members. I’m 21 years old and I am in my third year of the academic teacher training in Rotterdam. I joined Alcedo because I enjoy speed skating a lot. This is especially the case because I feel like it is a sport where I can always improve myself, even though I have been doing it since I was 8 years old. When I finished high school I stopped speed skating for a while. However, when I started working at the ice rink as an instructor, I decided to start skating again.
